April and Amidala

A-Wurf                                  A-Litter


We are looking forward to the birth of our little puppies in

early April 2018…



looking forward...



7 Puppies are born now!

Date  of birth : 2.4.2018


Now, they are 6 days old.

Here you can see our "A-Team"

"April ", female, colour: black



"Atreju", male, colour: brindle  (red)





"Adele", female, colour: brindle (dark)




"Amidala", female, colour: black


we keep her at our home



"Abigale", female, coulor: brindle (sand)


we keep her at our home


"Alice", female, colour: black




"Aragorn", male, colour: black




If you are interested , please contact us in time.

Now, our boys and girls are 20 days old:

Our "Elyssa" is such a well behaved dog. She just sat down and wait.

Luckily we had sunny and warm weather, so the puppies went out for the first time.


Our babies are now 6 weeks old.

They have much fun running around in our house and garden ...